أفضل وسيلة لتدمير النظام الرأسمالي هو إفساد قيمة المال
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….
والمرء ليس بصادق في قوله حتى يؤيد قوله بفعاله
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….
لا تطلقن القول في غير بصر إن اللسان غير مأمون الضرر
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….
يبدو العالم مظلما بالنسبة لمن يغطي عينيه
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….
الذي لا يلمع في النهار، يلمع في الليل
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….
زيادة القول تحكي النقص في العمل ومنطق المرء قد يهديه للزلل
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….
ليس للحياة قيمة إلا إذا وجدنا فيها شيئا نناضل من أجله
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….
عندما لا ندري ما هي الحياة ، كيف يمكننا أن نعرف ما هو الموت
[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….