عندما لا ندري ما هي الحياة ، كيف يمكننا أن نعرف ما هو الموت

عندما لا ندري ما هي الحياة ، كيف يمكننا أن نعرف ما هو الموت

[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….

لا تطلقن القول في غير بصر إن اللسان غير مأمون الضرر

لا تطلقن القول في غير بصر إن اللسان غير مأمون الضرر

[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….

والمرء ليس بصادق في قوله حتى يؤيد قوله بفعاله

والمرء ليس بصادق في قوله حتى يؤيد قوله بفعاله

[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….

تنتهي حريتك حيث تبدأ حرية الآخرين

تنتهي حريتك حيث تبدأ حرية الآخرين

[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….

علي أن أسعى وليس علي إدراك النجاح

علي أن أسعى وليس علي إدراك النجاح

[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….

الحرية هي الحق في أن تعمل ما يبيحه القانون

الحرية هي الحق في أن تعمل ما يبيحه القانون

[padding right=”15%” left=”15%”] When I first started thinking about making the behavior changes required to follow the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year, I naively imagined that I could simply flip a switch one morning and follow all the rules. Bagels with cream cheese would magically turn into egg white omelets….